Tuesday, April 28, 2009

TWD: Chocolate Cream Tart

And now, for my next trick (aka Tuesdays With Dorie):

Chocolate Cream Tart

Oh, it's a glorious thing, this chocolate. Picked by Kim of Scrumptious Photography, the original details can be found on her blog.

The things I have loved about my first sessions of TWD: each part of these can be made in advance and chilled. I heart chillin. It makes me happy, because work normally interrupts my cooking, and we can't have that, now can we?

I don't have a tart pan, so my plans for tonight are to put some parchment on a pie pan and do it that way - you think that will work, internet? I hope so. I hear good things about this pie.


Oh my goodness, I just realised I never updated this! Well I don't have pics, because I took it to work with me, and it got eaten there in about 5 seconds flat. So count this as my 2nd TWD success! Although, again, I just wanted to eat the filling. I'm not a huge crust fan, so the filling is what appeals to me.

I did find, with my newfound baking obsession, that I am getting better with each recipe. Oh, and if I make something more than once, I can usually streamline the process and it works out a lot better the second time around!

Ok, onto the score:

Tuesday List

I had a wonderful time in lovely Savannah Georgia this weekend for the momma's birthday. This will be highlighted in an upcoming post with pictures.

My dog put on a full pound while I was away. I'm sure this is not all due to the Hubs' feeding techniques, but the antibiotics he was on working and him gaining back his lost weight (and then some) from when he was sick. Still, he's not venturing out into full-on Dachshund territory anytime soon (11 lbs is the max for mini's).

I am not a huge fan of the choo-choo. (again, upcoming post)

When on said choo-choo, apparently I am hard to entertain.

I really really need to drop the weight I put on since the wedding. I did eat lots of salad last night, and lots of salad on the trip, but dressing is my kryptonite.

The spot where the Flat Earth Farmland Cheddar chips usually are at the store was filled with Garlic Herb instead. Maybe the Hubs will not eat them all before I get to the bag this time. Bets, anyone?

aaaaaaand that's a wrap.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Things That Are Annoying

1) Lady Gaga.
A) She stole her hair from Cher - seriously, give it back; she does a much better job in the wig department.
B) you're really going to take that wig and make a HAIR BOW with it?!?!
C) learn to dance and not just hunch your shoulders and move your legs.
D) stop riding killer whales. even if they're floats in a kiddie pool, that's disgusting and they're endangered.
E) I think you might be a man like Katy Perry.

2) Having to buy a single-serving pack of cheddar Flat Earth chips at work because your husband ate almost the whole bag you bought at the store last week.

3) JCREW free shipping emails - off of your first million dollars spent.

4) STILL not being warm enough to walk the dogs in the morning. I don't go outside for anything under 30.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My First TWD: Banana Cream Pie

Here it is, expectant reader(s), my first TWD (Tuesdays With Dorie) post. Dorie Greenspan is the author of Baking: From My Home to Yours, a gigantic volume which has inspired various bakers to join a blog called Tuesdays With Dorie. Every Tuesday, these bakers take one recipe, chosen by a member, and all post about their experience making that recipe.

As of St. Patrick's Day, I am now a member.

However I have not gotten to bake yet due to extenuating circumstances (illness/new job/another new job/no time to breathe) but this week, I'm all in!

So, tonight will be Banana Cream Pie night. For the recipe, please visit the Great and Powerful Recipe Chooser, Amy of Sing for your Supper.

::time elapses::

Ok, so the post started on a Tuesday, which is legal, but ended on Wednesday morning. So sue me, I have three jobs and a dog that pees on everything. This turned out beautifully for my first TWD even though I used a store crust - and it was to be debuted tonight at dinner, but it looks like it will be just me myself and I because my friend's son is sick! But K may be coming over so I may still get my fajitas with Banana Cream Pie dinner, hehe.

I really wanted to eat the banana pudding-y stuff by itself. Yum. Pictures to come (technical difficulties sorry sports fans), and taste test to come, after the BCP's debut at dinner tonight!

Ok I'm totally late with this, but here you are:

Oh gosh... it makes me want it again just looking at the pictures.
